Herren 1 TVHP – BC Darmstadt vom 15.10.2022

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Having to play with only five players, Heppenheim’s 1 st men’s basketball team lost 38-95 in its home
opener against BC Darmstadt Saturday in the Nibelungenhalle. The Black Dogs are now 0-2 in their
first season in the Herren Bezirksliga.

Julian Schäfer scored 12 points and Bryan Bowers scored 10 to lead the team. Bryan came out of
semi-retirement to play and ensure that there were enough players to start the game.

“We are having some really bad luck, as far as sickness, injuries and other commitments are
concerned,” said Mike Bowers, TVHP1 coach. “It is really frustrating, not just for me, but for the
players as well. It is depressing entering a game knowing we probably don’t stand a chance with just
five players, no substitutes, and no height. I am proud of them, as they gave their best.”

Bowers said it was probably the team’s best defensive effort he has seen for some time.

“We just ran out of gas in the end and were overmatched inside with no center players,” he said.
“When we were fresh, our hustle kept them in check. But you can’t hustle forever when you are
worn out, as was the case with us in the last quarter.”

BC Darmstadt scored 31 points in the final 15 minutes of the game, the bulk of those points coming
from their big men. Heppenheim only managed eight points.

Simon Schneider scored three of the team’s seven first-quarter points, with the team trailing by just
13 points entering the second quarter. It was a matter of pick your poison in the second quarter.

Focusing on containing Darmstadt’s center players, Heppenheim fell victim to a barrage of three
pointers from the visitors. Darmstadt hit five three pointers, in scoring 28 points in that quarter to
pull ahead 48-17 at halftime.

Aggressive defense limited Darmstadt to only 16 third-quarter points, while the home team
produced 13. Bryan scored six and Schäfer four. Fatigue and a lack of height saw Darmstadt
capitalize on easy scoring opportunities to account for the final score.

“We were simply tired and could not keep up the defensive intensity. Additionally, when the legs are
tired, it is hard to shoot or even make simple layups. It was disappointing we didn’t have the
numbers, in terms of players, to show the fans what a good team we are,” said Bowers.

“We really appreciate the support, especially from the Heppenheim women’s teams. Knowing they
were there made a difference in providing the guys with a little energy,” he added.

The Black Dogs travel to Langen Sunday for a make-up game. Tip-off is scheduled for 3 p.m. in the
Georg-Sehring-Halle, Berliner Allee 91.

Es spielten: Schäfer (12), Bryan Bowers (10), Nils Teske (8), Simon Schneider (6), Samuel Wagner (2)

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